To all the People I met before: Epep Edition

We were like fools but smart enough to seize the moment.

Dominic Lim
28 min readJul 31, 2019

We meet people.

Everyday we meet different kinds of people but it’s only few who made it to our circles of friends—close friends. And we didn’t even realize it, it just happened. We started out as complete strangers and for unknown reason we know each other more than we know our own kin.

Others know more people than I do. Ergo, it’s safe for me to assume they got more friends than I have, but it doesn’t really bother me and nobody should.

Unlike most people who can easily attract others with their personality, I have this stern aura that keeps them off.

Well, most of the time I judge people in my mind and I guess it somehow reflects on my face and maybe that’s why I always have had hard times getting along with them.

I never really had circle of friends growing up. Most of them are just temporary presence—met at a certain timeline and then drifts away.

There were also times people turned their backs on me and it’s a very hard experience especially when those people are those you considered close friends, too bad because you’re the only one thinking that way.

That’s why I build this certain mindset of distrust, independence, and unfair scrutiny.

I also have this ‘I don’t want to owe you anything’ principle which always put me into embarrassing situations especially when people around me treat me fucking good, but deep inside there’s this voice saying: I don’t deserve it.

Weirdly enough, I also don’t want to be pitied upon.

Pretty much I’m a summation of a person you don’t want to be with—boring, perfectionist, critic, but at least true.

Even after all of this personal irregularities, some people still consider me as their close friend (or it’s just one of those times again that that’s what I thought, maybe, I don’t know)

But, I’m thankful I met them and somehow, they managed to twerk my stubborn self. Changed me a bit in a way that I never really noticed.

Most of them I met in college, others were random people I met through the first group mentioned, and the rest are those people known by the latter. It’s like a web.

Anyway, here’s a shortlist of the College People inside Epep’s circle I interacted with for almost five years with their wonderful personalities.

The Captain


Alero Cary

Asset: Swimmer

Weakness: 1 games

Formality: 7

He’s the kind of guy you can easily deal with but when I met him, I’m a little bit intimidated actually. It took some time before we get along although it’s natural.

During normal group gatherings, drinking sessions, or just normal conversations, he always make sure a topic introduced by someone is entertained well. He give comments about it and even contribute some details.

That’s the thing I always tried to test during our simple conversations. I bring up random stuffs and he makes sure he can reply to it. He’ll make you feel belonged.

He’s also one of those people that makes me uncomfortable while playing Dota especially when we are on the same lane—whether we are teammates or opponents.

I don’t know why, maybe it’s because he’s one of the players I feared to make a wrong play with. Haha But anyway, he’s surely the type of player where you will learn so many things. After all he’s the captain.

I have a high grade of respect for this guy. Someone you’ll surely enjoy talking with sensible things in life and goof around with the stupidest thing that your group experienced.

A kind person and someone who knows how to socialize and treat people well. An unrecognized smart man who keeps on supressing it.

I still remember how I enjoyed talking with him some of the most sensible stuffs as well as being left clueless of the things he know. You’ll feel challenged meeting him as well as careful of the steps you’ll take—like an open book full of mystified pages.

You’ll be amused interacting with him. You’ll definitely feel that sometimes the best things in life aren’t things, sometimes it’s just people, the interaction, and the memories.

The Mama


Almirrah Lorraine

Asset: Body Confidence

Weakness: Mga Pogi lalo na Epep boys

Formality: 6

Flaunt that gorgeous body and let the world know that when you accept yourself, no matter what it’s made of, then it’s the only important definition of beauty!

Stubbornness and pride and you only live once in a lifetime. Deadly combination describing — not almost but quite—this woman.

People oftenly mistake her bossy attitude for something very irritating because they haven’t interacted with her. Actually, you need enormous amount of time to fully grasp this situation.

The level of tolerance needed to cope up with her is something you should learn how to acquire which I think, if you made it, I can say you are one of her real friends.

I never really think that there’s a leader in a circle of friends. But most of the time we think that there’s someone who stood up because of the personality built within the group and yes, the 'Mama' itself hold the power in order for you to be subdued — but not always.

She’s one of the people who strip off some of my language formality. In almost 5 years of interacting with her, I learned to say things like — chruutt, pak, gurrrll, eme, and bunch of other stuffs that makes you sound informal.

I guess in a group, the language and mannerisms you learned from one another is a manifestation of how intimate you are, of how long you spend time with each other, and I believe there’s nothing wrong about it as long as there’s nothing wrong about it.

She also has connections, connections, and lot more of connections, which to be honest, there are times, I find it really advantageous because, it get things done as soon as possible. It also brings you the perk of meeting more people — diverse people.

A woman of her own class. A fighter! A very open person who likes to share her world to her closest friends. Just like any mother, she supports, she leads, she guides, she gossips of course, and she loves, and she knows how to survive the world who keeps on imposing stupid standards.

So, if you’d like to be with her, make sure you have what it takes to keep up with her Wildest Dreams.

The Peppy

Kaluskos ng dahon! Huni ng mga ibon!

Allan James

Asset: Hairdo

Weakness: Tagatagay hanggang umaga

Formality: 6

Silent and timid but deep inside is a person who will go with all the trips his friends decided to do, whether from simple rpg sessions, computer games, sports, and even stuffs like watching porn. Seriously, he’ll just go with the flow.

Group player. He knows how to follow and he knows how to handle his role. I still remember how I picked Omniknight for him on our draft in the Elective Majors and this fucker machine gunned my Invoker with repel as long as he has mana to use. Ahhhhhh that feeling—unli BKB.

This guy rarely question my lead when we are on the same group. I don’t know why. When I tried to make plans out of the things we need to accomplish he’s one of those people you can count on to get things done right.

He also makes sure that he can contribute something in group works. A responsible person who knows how to offer something useful. Also a sensitive person that has an initiative to work when everyone is working.

He’s also the kind of guy who gets inspired through simple things like—quotations, bible quotes, and even through his friends' accomplishments. Yep, he can be very proud of what you achieved.

Sometimes he can also be very silly. Like silly in a physical way. Still amused watching him flexed a discontinued punch to Axel as well as the manly rumble challenges to Jhon Shean.

“Papalag ka?” together with that “Hmmmmmmp” and that closed lips with gigil face expression. Gold, gets me everytime.

This man is fun and surely someone you can enjoy being with—things you’ll see as you get to hang with him longer. Seriously, he has a lot to offer unlike what his last name suggests.

The SpankmeDaddyArj

Porn Lord amputa


Asset: Skill Application

Weakness: Matured women

Formality: 6

As his saying says 'Kakaunti nalang kaming loyal sa mundo, yung iba kinukuya niyo pa!’ and I be like 'Tangina saan mo nakuha ‘yan?’.

This depicts the age gap between us and him. This doesn’t become an issue to get along but surely this becomes an issue finding that significant other.

Well, I must say they got it all wrong because why have a boyfriend when you can have a daddy? Of course with a different context. Daddy as in, someone who’s matured enough to handle relationship and decision making…and someone who can surely get your eyes roll at the back of your head. Pure white because of experience. Haha

Anyway, this man is one of those people I met with enormous talent in physical works and work-arounds. A very resourceful person and when integrated with proper planning and execution, he can offer you a different level of accomplishment.

You’ll probably be having a hard time getting along with him for the first time. I mean, who wouldn’t be? The face is serious and fierce and the appeal is like someone who would snatch your bag out. Someone you’ll definitely don’t want to meet in a dark alley because he can camouflage his self easily.

But, little did they know that behind this horrendous impressions is a man with a good heart, sense of humour, thoughtfulness, responsibility, and dignity.

He knows how to get along with people and he acts with respect. He can support and recognize what you are capable of and he’s the type of person who’s gonna heed your call when needed.

This man knows how to meddle with different kinds of attitude. He knows how to handle his temper and he knows how to be the bigger man. He owns up the fault, a sign of matured thinker and an understanding persona.

You’ll definitely have good times with him especially during serious talks in drinking sessions. He can tell stories you’ll laugh around as well as advices you can hold on to. Know him more and you’ll find someone you can really trust with.

The Dota2ForeverSupportPartner

Biennnnn, IceBear, Raphtalia, Etc. dami

Bien Joseph

Asset: Great Support

Weakness: 7am class schedules

Formality: 7

Some people took life seriously and some took it like they doesn’t give a big damn about it.

Most of the time I find him like this but when he put his mind and heart into something you’ll be surprised of the outcome you never expected.

I know this guy has what it takes to chase his dreams, it just that most of the time he feels like not chasing it.

Very shy — that’s what you’ll notice in him on your first meeting. I guess it’s just part of the process. Process wherein you have to feel and measure the limits that you can do when interacting with someone thus the shyness.

But, when you get to know him more, you’ll be surprised that he’s not the person you met the first time. It’s far more complex.

He’s different. Different than most people. I’d rather describe him unique but at the same time serious. When you get to fool around him, you’ll realize that he sometimes have to express that he’s not going through something but deep inside there’s this burden reflecting on his eyes.

So you’d better be careful. Be sensitive. And be considerate when you get along with him.

I also enjoyed playing Dota with him. Yeah, the best support I could ever asked for. I have to admit that when we are on the same lane, everything is perfect—from lane control, warding, harrassment, and skill synchronization. You’ll literally be babysit.

When we are playing, I always enjoyed it I feel like I owe him a lot. That’s why sometimes I treat him to eat somewhere to return the favour. I mean why shouldn’t I? The guy gave so much effort you know.

We had great times and I’m sure if you meet him, you’ll have great times too — different from the things you already knew.

The Super Saiyan


Christelle Jane

Asset: Forehead

Weakness: Dogs

Formality: 8

If you ever needed space, her forehead is a perfect place. It serves as spacious take off and landing site for the Philippine Airlines — an asset for our economic growth.

She gave us a profound reminder; it’s like Moses rewriting a very important commandment—Thou shall not forget to breathe when there are too many school fees.

Truly, a remarkable reminder for those having financial problems.

This woman almost have everything—the wit, the maturity, the openness, the perseverance, the gracefulness, the beauty — too bad one thing is missing, the one.

She may have been denied of the love she deserved but she was filled by the affection of people around her. And that’s how amazing she is as a person, when you get to know her you’ll be comfortable with her.

Sometimes things become hard when you got some misunderstandings with this lady but that’s only because she really value you as a friend. And eventually, as time heals everything, it will pass like nothing happened—something you’ll just laugh around after.

She is also a very supportive friend and it’s something you’ll appreciate throughout the times you’ve known each other. She will even support you doing crazy stuffs.

Aside from that, don’t be fooled by her innocence, she’s a drunkard. Well, occasionally, but most of the time, if her friends compel her, it can be everyday.

Kindness defines her—something that you’ll enjoy every moment.

The Prof/Ate

Maam G!


Asset: Kikiam fingers

Weakness: Magkajowa

Formality: 9

Passionate, sensitive, considerate, professional, matured, kind and loving. There’s nothing more I can say but good words for this woman.

She is someone that will surely inspire you to become more, to dream more, and to have many reasons to believe that good things in life is something everyone deserves.

She was our prof but she can be your ate and she can be your barkada. Her role is diverse and she’s really good at socializing with different sets of people—from children to adults.

If you need some deep talks, you can always find and approach her. She will always entertain your emotional needs and she’ll definitely give you advices that will comfort your anxieties and uncertainties.

This woman is very kind. Please don’t take advantage of it—it’s intolerable. Return that kindness with respect and consideration. She may be very forgiving but deep inside it hurts her…a lot.

You’ll definitely be inspired to do good things when you know her. Her overflowing hope is something that would give you a clearer picture of vast possibilities in life.

She is someone who’s always ready to fetch you down at the bottom of despair and loneliness and convince you to stand up and keep fighting.

Being with her will be a realization that fiascos are wonderful things that happened for a reason—it’s guidance and wisdom.

The Fatherhood Mentality


Jhon Shean

Asset: Eyebrows

Weakness: Inuman sessions

Formality: 6

Industrious and persistent. These are the words that best defines his personality. A responsible person you can rely with.

When it comes to financial stuffs he can be very critical; not because he have to but because he needs to. When unfair distribution of wealth in society strain your existence, you have to be very careful managing the resources that supports it.

Sometimes serious. Sometimes fun. He can be very happy fooling around but when it’s him that becomes the center of tease sometimes he lost it and his mood changes.

He’s like a woman. I witnessed some of his mood swings and I’m still amused of how it quickly changes from rainy day to sunshine or vise versa.

But when you learn how to handle with it. You’ll know your limitation of when you can fool around or be serious.

He also loves learning stuffs and will even approach you to ask if you can teach it to him. Entertain him, a little of your time is not that much to ask.

He also sometimes asks too much of questions. Bare with it, you’ll both learn from the conversations you’ll have.

One thing that surely reminds me of him is sleep. Make sure you get to sleep first before him or else it’s nightmare. Only that you get to experience the horrors with your eyes wide open.

I need to be visited by the Gods of ultimate tiredness in order to overcome his sleep apnea. But it’s a good thing though if you want to pull up an all nighters.

You’ll definitely find an extraordinary persona in him. It will surely take you to the wonders of the island he came from. It’s a different life but worth experiencing!

The Boss


John Michael Rey

Asset: Pak! Full package

Weakness: N/A, orb effect

Formality: 8

This man is the living embodiment of near perfection—talented, smart, good looking—the trifecta of ultimate social acceptance and respect. Hahaha my adjectives suits you well Pres.

He’s one of the people who understands me well (maybe, just an assumption) and also one of the few people I’m comfortable being with. After all, we get to live under the same roof for 5 months or so— one and half months during OJT (We used to play computer games after shift untill 11pm and it was an awesome memory) and about four months during board exam review.

I wonder if he had enough of me saying Let us hunt those who have fallen to darkness! and Fighting me is like boxing with shadows!”. Ugh, the good old days.

Keen observer and incredibly smart. I know to myself I’m not at par of the level of his intellect but it’s not bad challenging it sometimes.

He also has his timetables and make sure you can keep up with those schedules, he may have something already planned to do.

The kind of guy who knows how to socialize while at the same time have this strong mindset of achieving something.

While people who doesn’t know him might say he’s silent well you got it all wrong. He can be chatty and jovial during drinking sessions and occasional gatherings.

He can also share funny things that you’ll laugh around for quite some time. I’m still amused when I remember of how he delivers some of his low-key burns. Very subtle but on point.

If you think that this guy is the one you can only talk sensible stuffs and intellectual discussions well, he’s a lot more capable of telling naughty and sexually inappropriate things that’ll will make you feel embarrassed and the same time entertained.

He’s a great man and a force to be reckoned with. You’ll be challenged when you meet him and thrilled for the outcomes of your mutual exchange of learning, respect, joy, and memory.

I had great times interacting with him and I’m sure, you too, if you get the chance to know him.

And if you try to find the boundaries of friendship with him, try not to, because sometimes that limit does not exist.

The Besprend


Joshua Enrico

Asset: Eyes

Weakness: UTI haha

Formality: 7

Ooooh the best friend. You may think that we are like the best of buddies, that we have lots of things in common, partners in crime, and we consider each other like brothers well, we are kind of different from that.

Those are the things that are mostly seen and read on Movies and stories. It’s something you rarely see in reality especially in a culture where religious conservatism and toxic masculinity are deeply embedded and that portraying such is an issue that most of people find intriguing.

In almost five years that I know this guy, all I received was kindness, praise, ocassional teasing, lots of fun, and support.

Most of the time, I feel like I don’t want to be a burden to him that’s why I always take care of the things that we supposedly both do.

When he put his mind into doing something, he always tried to find the best way where he can put less of an effort. Most of the time I refuse to do it hahaha but he’s so really convincing that sometimes we end up doing what he proposed.

He always adjust when interacting to people. I never saw him really mad at someone but I do saw him disappointed and emotionally down. Even if he becomes the center of attraction or tease he just smile it off away with embarrassment.

A great guy full of dreams and plans in life. I still remember the things he used to tell me when we were second year college students. It felt like he has this pressure of proving something to someone but I thought that he never really needed it. He’s just simply perfect the way he is and that he doesn’t need anyone’s approval. Why should he anyway?

On the early years of College, most of the time I go to their apartment to study, then there was a great reversal of roles when we became third year students. I became complacent but he suddenly became serious in studying— a constant achiever—and I’m proud, very proud.

Although we stopped sharing simple talks back then, he constantly reminded me of 'magseryoso ka na ulit' when I was so addicted playing Dota. He’s so sensitive and thoughtful with the people around him and that’s why I guess sometimes he attracts people unconsciously.

I also enjoyed playing Dota with this guy. If you think that we’re like golden duo while playing, no we don’t. Because, I’d always enjoy playing when he’s not on my team. Hahaha most of the time he picks squishy supports that I always hunt him during clash.

But, sometimes he can really pissed me off when he’s using clockwork or other heroes accompanied with that annoying 'hala!’ and slow motion head turn to look at me when he/they managed to kill my hero.

Pretty much, he’s definitely someone you’ll enjoy hanging around with. You’ll be happy to have him during small gatherings and occasions. But, most importantly, you’ll be lucky to have him as a friend.

Just imagine the complete opposite of myself and you’ll have this wonderful person I’m talking about.

And if I could live in another timeline, with a different body and personality, I’d still want to meet this 'hari ng sablay' and still choose him as my best friend.

The Practicality Hustler



Asset: Jokes

Weakness: 8pm

Formality: 6

This man has what it takes to become a successful businessman. When it comes to practical issues and weighing of the most advantageous thing to do, this guy has the talent to run the odds on his favour.

Maybe you’ll find it annoying but for me, I see it as a chance to train myself in a situation where I’m forced to make decisions that could favour my own interests.

Comedian. That’s how I see him. Sometimes serious but most of the time someone you’ll never trust of what he’s saying.

Just a head’s up though, when you get to be with him, make sure you know when you are being fooled and when you are being taken seriously. This man has mastered the arts of deception. Fucking bastard, gets me every time.

He’s also a great player. You’ll enjoy playing with him with sports and Dota. I still remember the times when we are playing Dota, he used to build fucking vanguard to every damn hero he uses. Well, I used to do that when I was a beginner. That’s why I find it amusing.

I also had a wonderful championship game with him on table tennis. He put up a good game and that was awesome. It was fun!

Apart from this is that he’s the kind of guy who’s ready to learn. I used to be his seatmate in Physics I class and although he used to copy quiz answers he also makes sure that he’ll have a better understanding of it after.

He’ll definitely ask questions if he doesn’t know something and he’s also very good in memorizing terms and topics, as well as answers too.

You’ll enjoy every moment with him especially when there are occasions and gatherings. There are no dull moments because he can fill it with joy.

Be with him and you’ll notice that sometimes, problem is not a reason of not having a good laughter.

The BasagAngTagayan


Kevin Alfonso

Asset: Dick hahahahaha

Weakness: Suyuin pag nagtatampo

Formality: 6

The looks. The body. The aura. Certified goons. Someone you probably saw in a mafia movie. But, behind these hideous impressions is a good guy who can always give up something for friendship and love.

I can’t remember the day when I met this guy. Probably one of those days I couldn’t remember generic faces but I do remember talking with him way back AC’s birthday while I’m working on with something.

He randomly asked me of what I’m doing. I entertained him for a little while since I saw on his face he’s a little bit off the mood. But, I couldn’t focus making a damn essay and because of that I was getting out of the mood too. Just kidding.

I don’t really have an idea of what happened. I couldn’t care less actually but the fact that he acted professional, matured, and civilized to gush off the 'whatever-what-happened' that night was something admiring.

Yep, I told you he looks intimidating. But he’s kind. Sometimes you’ll enjoy talking to him because he really meant it. I remember walking the streets of Espanya when we were looking for a bar and we talked about economic problems, of how good former President Gloria Arroyo as an economist but corrupt, and other political stuffs that I kind of enjoyed explaining to him.

He’s also a very nice guy who knows how to treat people with respect although sometimes he may got a little importunate when he’s too excited or too comfortable that it will sometimes irritate you. Let him be, that is his way of telling you I’m having a great time with you.

You may think that this guy is tough, to be honest, he’s one of the most sensitive out of the guys. He will overthink even the most trivial thing. Sometimes he will distance his self but fret not, all you need to do is to woo him a little in a bullying way. Hahaha

You’ll be amused if you met this guy and you’ll be thankful to know him better. Meeting him is like a realization and knowing him is a reminder that don’t judge people with physical nor first impressions, just make it a comment.

Anyway, I know how great he is as a person and I’m sure you’ll find it too within him.

The Rareface Magnet


Mary France Joyce

Asset: Height

Weakness: Rare faces

Formality: 8

This woman is someone you’ll mistake for a high school student. Not because of the height but because of the freshness. Naks nambola pa hahaha

She is wild. In a different way though. I may not be the only one noticing it but sometimes when she tells story she’s so expressive that it makes her wild. The accent, the hand gestures, the facial expressions, the intonation of the voice, the random emotional breakdown. My gosh it’s like watching a wholesome movie packed with different genres.

I called her Vice because she was our Vice President when we were first year students. And yep, same reason goes for Pres. Haha

A wonderful girl in a dress of pink. I can still remember your debut—the necklace, the dance, and other awkward actions you had to hide because your family didn’t know about it. Haha you are so aware and cautious about it that you kept us reminding of several things.

Very conservative that through the years it gradually decreases because of us.

She looks like an innocent girl with a mind of an adult. She knows how to reason out and voice her opinion. An objective women with sense of responsibility. She can handle different kinds of people except those with rare faces. Yep, needless to say but she’s afraid of them.

She can be very patient and she knows how to ride with the situation. She knows how to socialize well even she becomes the center of attention.

But out of all these, she’s a lovely and kind person. That’s why she attracts good people. Her personality is something that will surely amused you.

This women stands out high of the common girls out there. Very impressive and alluring after all she’s a crazy little one.

The Extrovert


Neil Aldrin

Asset: Smile

Weakness: G?

Formality: 6

This man is the definition of living your life at its best. I still remember how carefree this guy was during board exam review. Watched all these movies, slept until reality wakes him up, glass of coffee in morning while browsing up the internet at the fire exit, and pretty much all the thrilling and happy experiences.

Honestly, I never really thought being close to this guy. First year college, we were on the same class on Sir Tagle’s Engineering Orientation and yes, the fucking girls giggling and chuckling around the presence of a Neil Villota at the back of the classroom is so so so irritating.

Of course, I don’t know if he intentionally flashed those smiles to those helpless girls especially Darlene but damn they are falling for it easily, what a bunch of tingling pussies. I mean calm down Brenda, tone down Susan, it ain’t a dick yet.

I don’t remember when we first interact, I guess it all started when he occasionally invited me to have drinking sessions way back third year college. It is all before the immaculate standards of mine began to fall apart but at least it was a surreal experience and I was happy.

He always make sure that a group session is lively. I learn how to cope up with his happy impulses—the laugh, the voice, the tease, all of the hype.

A very happy person. He will laugh around all the stupid things and trivial jokes. And he’ll make sure every moment you’ll have as a group or even as a friend will always be something you’ll surely miss.

He’s also the kind of guy to put up friends first before his own self, and I told him that. He is one of those chains that keeps our little group together. Through ups and downs, through all the issues, as I watch and hear them neutrally, you can’t deny the fact that this guy is a center point of connection and attraction.

Very thoughtful, every time I’m wasted this guys always make sure I wake up okay—always. I mean I don’t know the rest what happened before I passed out but what I know is that this guy was one of the people who took care of me.

He’s also the one where the group seems not to believe when he says that he already find the one. Hahaha I don’t know but I’m really amused watching them scrutinizing him subtly like this “Talaga ba?” “Ano kaya? Tunay na kaya?” “Sabi…”

Well, I know for sure that he can be serious for someone because he has always been serious with his friendships.

You will never feel out of placed when you are with him. He will definitely acknowledge your presense even if you are just newly met.

Gentle reminder though, when you become friends with this man, make sure to remind him every once in a while to take care his health. To slow down with the vices of life.

He will surely entertain you and care you like his own family. You’ll be lucky to meet this guy and become one of his friends, after all he’s the lone wolf that keeps the pack survives.

The Mr. Cool Guy

Kuya Tisoiiiii

Pablo Ventura II

Asset: Hands and Ears

Weakness: Left behind

Formality: 7

The first time I saw this guy was way back 2013 at around 3–4 in the afternoon, the rambutan trees of the garden were swaying and the sky was a little bit dark as I came across with him at the right wing 2nd floor corridor of MHDP building in front of room 213.

Two things in my mind was imprinted as I exchanged an eye contact with him before I bow down my head to continue to walk—conceited but innocent.

Just a random guy, probably won’t meet again, or that’s what I thought. Meet him 2nd time at ECE assembly with the Fifth Years. And I was like “What? He’s ECE but he was not on GG nor GH?”

Then, first year second semester, the friendship card was drawn when we became classmates. I still remember the birthday treat I received from him who doesn’t even know me. I was shookt. I was uncomfortable that time that I accidentally burned my wrist with the sisig plate. What an embarrassment.

For most people, they might judge him because of the arrogant looks, but trust me this guy is far more awesome than your first impressions.

He knows how to entertain newly met people and he knows how to handle conversations and situations well. I used to intentionally criticized his works way back humanities drawing project to test his limits but he just smile it off like it was nothing.

Sensitive. Out of the boys, and I guess of the epep, he is the most sensitive. Seriously, he can be really disappointed if you treated him like he was nothing. Like that incident in Tayabas. He was really sad about it.

He can treat your friendship preciously that he can be very sensitive about it. Even the little things, if you became close friends with him, make sure you know how to handle his baby boy instincts. Because, as what I’ve notice, this guy longed for deep siblings' connection.

I remember when we ate at Chowking near Legarda station. That subtle expression of his excitement when he gets to eat with people. Vivid reactions of enjoyment that clearly once in while experience for him.

Very supportive! Whenever the boys had something to flex about or even just simple games he can be very supportive. I remember how he watched carefully every games we had during our pustahan with CE. I had to be very cautious with my play cause I know he’s watching at my back. One time I messed up with an Invoker combo with Richnel’s Lina (Fucking didn’t time the tornado, meteor, deafening blast) I was fucking shamed of it. I nearly died with that fucking fail but I managed to qqw ghostwalk out. Seriously his reactions, I bet he’s more nervous than I am.

He’s a responsible man. He knows his limitations when to relax and when to grind hard for a desired outcome. He knows how to collaborate his ideas with people around him and he’s more than capable to execute a given task.

But, out of all the things I know about him that surprised me well was the words I heard from him when we went for an outing in Nawawalang Paraiso. We bought chips back then and there was a scene with Jerine. She was drunk that time. He said “Malabo akong magseseryoso sa isang Lucbanin.”

Same words I heard back then in CJ’s debut. After the program, the scene was he was smoking tobacco before he bids his farewell to go home. Some of the girls were drinking, he saw them and he said “Di talaga ako magseseryoso sa Lucbanin.”

It was long time ago, but I can see the total difference then and now. And that’s what he can do—to change, grow, and develop for the people he cares about.

We may be 'lost' along the way. That’s fine. This life is uncertain and that makes it mysterious. No one knows what lies ahead but surely there are people who’ll guide you through the right path and place where you completely belong and loved.

The Dyosa


Trixia Nantes

Asset: Nose

Weakness: Bebe and pukekay haters

Formality: 7

Hi there miss! I still remember how gorgeous you were teaching us the SLSU march on the SLSU stage. You had red toned hair back then, you had your braces, and you looked like very mataray but jolly and sweet.

Famous. Very famous that she has this pukekay subscribers. I’m still amused of how people are still very insecure of her existence and how they throw different kinds of dirt to her personality. I was like, uhm no bitches, that’s a lie gurl.

They just don’t know her personally that they make up these stories to satisfy their own insecurities.

Honesty, she’s one of the most open person, and it’s really funny how people read her the wrong way.

She treats different kind of people with no prejudice or this self feeling of entitlement. She is not that type of beautiful that thinks people need to respect her existence because she’s beautiful. She treats people fairly.

Yeah true, she can be mataray but she knows how to draw that card to who, when, where, and why. She doesn’t do that kind of thing if she doesn’t have enough reason to do so. Maybe if you’re that bitchy and stupid enough, I won’t even wonder why she is like that to you.

She’s very comfortable with the people around her. She can be very caring as well and she knows how to treat you like a very dear friend.

She won’t let you feel awkward when you’re interacting with her. Everything’s normal. She can talk the normal things and even the naughty ones too. She laugh around with the stupidest jokes the group offers. She can entertain you well with her beautiful personality.

Always on the flow! When the group has special events after exams, she surely was one of the people calling for it to happen. She can be very makulit when tipsy. I still remember that 'Joshy shoot' and it always crack me up. Girl, you were clearly drunk.

Smart and idiot at the same time. She is a capable women but incapable of giving up for love. She loves deeply. She shows it to rest of the world. She is proud of it and she’s happy.

Although she experienced many heartbreaks with the wrong people well now it’s always rainbows and butterflies but sometimes compromise, right? I guess that’s a thing about life, we were fools at a certain point. But what is more important is we learned from those experiences and it helped us grow, and it lead us to the right people.

This woman is surely a sweet and fierce one. A fighter who never gave up reaching her goals and dreams and a lover who would give up everything for the people she really cares about.

Here you go the shortlist of people from the Epep circle. Diverse group of people with their different sets of personal wonders.

We may be very busy with building our lives separately that we no longer frequently communicate and interact. But, we have already been binded by the strands of fate.

Our memories have already been intertwined in the infinite cosmos within a single world.

We already crossed paths and once in a while when we will look back in life, we’ll surely remember the things that remind us of a chapter where we exist as people who dream altogether to achieve our contentment and individual purpose.

You fuckers, if there’s a heaven or hell, I’ll never forget all of you.

Cheers to the rain! ☔



Dominic Lim
Dominic Lim

Written by Dominic Lim

A scroll of forgotten words. Let me show you how I see the world in a different perspective.

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